I have been cruising the mommy blog directories, so I felt like I should put up a disclaimer for the new folks.


Yep! I am all of the above, with a little bit of nice rolled in for good measure (although I don’t show that often). I started this blog just wanting to shoot the shit…yes I do use potty words, they make me feel grown up (kinda)…and after 2 + months I have decided that is what I want to keep on doing. I love give away moms and PR moms rock…that is just not what I started this site for. The only thing I might give away is a small piece of my brain (I can’t afford a big piece, I would have nada left). I will dance for comments and I love followers, not just for the sake of following. If you like who I am and what I do- Follow me Bitches. If not, that is cool.

I am a non baby wearing, put your ass in a crib, drink from a bottle and a spanking you deserve is a spaning you will get mama. I DO NOT care how you raise your kid. If you want to breast feed until Junior High…that’s cool (I am gonna talk about your ass, but that is cool). No seriously, everyone parents in different ways. I parent the way I was parented and the way that 99% of the people I know were parented. I am from the south, so we tend to not be as “green” (unless you are talking about collards, I am all over that) as other regions. That does not mean I don’t respect others ways of parenting. I just ask that you respect mine.

I guess I should say when I talk about my awesomeness I am also being silly. I don’t think I am truly a Queen, or totally awesome…I have a few flaws…..just a few! ;o)




Thursday, January 7, 2010

UGH! Enough of these people already!

Here I was thinking that the new year would be Jon and Kate free. Wrong. These total dumb asses have divorced and canceled their show so why are they still front page news...



I could really give a shit less if Katie does a Britney and shave that shit off. Why is she on the cover of PEOPLE? She has been on the cover of that magazine more in the last 5 months then Brad Pitt has had sexiest man of the year. Well, not really, but it damn seems like it. I am all for getting on and feeling better for yourself after a divorce, especially when you were married to a douche like Jon, but damn it do you have to grace the fucking cover of every fucking magazine to to this? We all know you got some new puppies, we saw them falling out of your bathing suit last summer. She is a narcissist. Totally.



So this prick head was getting $10 GRAND for public appearances. WTF! I would not give is asshole $10 fucking bucks to shine my shoes. Who the hell wants to party with someone who's rise to fame included wacking off in a cup? Then acting like a total pansy on TV. I use to like Jon, but he is way caught up now!
Ha! But the judge totally cock blocked his ass. TLC is suing him for breach of contract since he had the kiddies removed from the show and thrown off this land. I get TLC's point. They had $ invested. I am not saying I am for or against the kids being on TV (I am against, against, against when you have dumb fucks for parents) but dude was totally just doing it to be a dick. WELLLLL, Karma baby got his ass by the balls. TLC put in an injunction for him to stop doing public appearances for moola because they had built up the show as a "whole some family show" and that just will not fly when Johnny is doing body shots off of half dressed co eds. Sigh. I wonder how he will make his child support payments...oh wait he has a date with Octo Mom! Dude, can I be your manager?

I think these people deserve each other. They better be glad I am not the judge. I would order the cameras off, accounts frozen, and they have to remain married and living together for one year until I would grant the divorce. She needs to be knocked off her virtual pedestal and fire who ever is in charge of the helium that is inflating her head. He needs to put on a chastity belt and get back to being the good father he once was.


  1. I agree im over them as i am over octomom... but i must admit when i see something like kates hair extensions lol i cant help but laugh

  2. VERY well put!!! They need to get ovre themselves and pay attention to their damn 500 kids they had together. geez! Wow you could be a part time gossip columnist April! I say part time cause you love being a full time mommy. =)

  3. I think she looks ridiculous with the hair extensions.... I did/do watch the show though... and I enjoy it. The hair extensions though are idiotic.

  4. I used to like the show. But I am so over the two of them and their bullshit. He is a jerk and she is a fame hungry bitch. There. Got that off my chest.

    So, what do you think of the Duggers?!? LOL

  5. I use to love the show. They seemed real at one point. Now they are as fake as her hair. I love the kiddies! When the show first came on I felt like they shared things that could be helpful to normal folks like us. Then they changed. I guess it happens to the best (or worst of them).

    The Duggers are a diffrent subject. I like them ok. I think they are real. I totally want some of what Michelle is on. She has some serious happy pills.

  6. HERE HERE!!! I never liked Kate, she made me cringe. LOL at your Duggers comment, but I like them too. I liked Jon, now I just think he's after the fame, she's always been after the fame, and Octo-Mom is cracked ...

  7. I totally want some of Michelle Duggar's drugs too. Cause I have 3 kids and scream all day. How the hell does she do it????

  8. Her extensions look ridiculous. Why can't she grow that shit out like the rest of us fiddling with headbands and butterfly clips and all sorts of other Claire's nonsense. (I'm growing my hair out again. It makes me cranky. er.)

  9. I am doing the grow out thing too. I had really long hair (thanks to prenatal vitamins) and it started falling out about 4 months after I had LC. I decided to cut it so I would not go around looking like a sheading dog. I went and told the stupid woman what I wanted and she promplty FUCKED MY HEAD UP! It was a "I wanta cry moment". So, now I suffer....
